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This is the FTP interface used for administration of your personal www folders on (hosting service). Its usage is really simple: to switch to a folder or download a file, just click its icon. To rename an item, just write a new as name and press ENTER (just like you would in your normal file manager utility) ... NOTE that when you click to start a file download, my server first needs to download it; so sometimes you may have to wait a bit before the download starts at your machine.

And, to ERASE all the information about your connection (mostly your PASSWORD) from the database, don't forget to click the DISCONNECT button!

Limits: sizelimit is 9 MB per file for file downloads, and 3 MB per file for file uploads (verified during transfer); other limit: to avoid "disasters", only EMPTY folders may be removed!

Online service by , powered by ALi

This is a multilingual, completely free and Open Source (or OpenSource) software / script. Please click here to get its source code [written in PHP].

Ali's HTTP to FTP interface created by Savas Ali Tokmen (, optimized by Emanuele Zerbin

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